Topic: Iraq

I think the political right in this country needs to come to grips with reality as it pertains to Iraq.

First off, the case for a pre-emptive war was completely a sham, and simply cannot be logically defended successfully.  There were no weapons of mass destruction  produced past 1991.  The Kay Report predicted we will probably not find significant stockpiles of these weapons, and likely production was ceased a long time ago.  There are a few stray weapons, but they are largely impotent, outdated and extremely small in number. 

The media, particularly FOX "News" trumpeted the discovery of "warheads containing cyclosarin". 

http://www.theunionleader.com/articles_ … icle=40187

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&a … 0702184424


Despite the overwhelming evidence that these are not chemical warheads, let alone WMD, let alone again evidence of any modern weapons production or massive stockpiles of before-mentioned bio-chemical weapons... FOX News continues at this hour to run the same story and simply refuses to come to terms with reality.

We invaded Iraq over a year ago, and no so-called weapons of mass destruction have been found.  With most of the sites searched already and David Kay calling it quits and saying we likely will not find anything, there is absolutely no good reason to believe we ever will find them.  Iraqi scientists, it seems, would have came forward by now.  None were used during the war, and it makes little sense that Saddam magically moved them all out of the country the eve of the war to Syria without the CIA getting wind of it (it's a little hard to move 500 tons of chemical weapons without someone figuring out about it), the Syrians objecting or coming to the realization that with an impending war, it might be better to stand our ground.

There was no working relationship between Al-qaeda and Saddam Hussein's Iraq.  They had completely different agendas and personality types.  Saddam was the head of a secular regime that wanted brutal oppression at any cost, and complete control of the region.  Osama bin Laden is/was the equivalent of a force of disorder, of terrorism and of religious extremism.  Bin Laden hated Saddam as a "bad Muslim" and Saddam refused to work with him.

Were there meetings?  Yes, there were meetings.  But Democrats meet all the time with Republicans on the hill.  Enemies meet to discuss treaties.  Businesses meet with rivals to discuss possible mergers, and sometimes those discussions either go sour or lead nowhere. 

The point being that contacts does not mean a friendship, let alone a working relationship or any link to 9/11. 

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ar … rss_nation

Saddam had ties with terrorists, but they were usually no more than bribes or contacts.  There was no overwhelming working operation between them, as Bush would have led us to believe with comments such as:

"Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda"

There is of course no evidence for this, and much to suggest otherwise.  The 9/11 commission is still out on this point, overall, but they did rebuke Dick Cheney over directly implying that there was a full connection between Saddam 9/11:

http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/ … index.html

Given the thorough debunking of these points, it is of no surprise at all that the Bush administration has fallen to what it considers moral highground.  That is, Saddam Hussein is evil and that alone justified the war.

Let me be exceptionally clear on my response here.  Saddam Hussein was evil.  That doesn't make us good, it only makes us a much lighter shade of evil.  We killed innocent people in Iraq as well, our soldiers tortured Iraqi prisoners and we had ran a rather incompetent and messy occupation until the 28th of June. 

Even so, the ends do not justify the means.  It is illogical to suggest that they do, as an effect cannot validate a cause.  Morally, it seems rather dubious because it depends on ignoring the morality of the action itself.  Sending people to their deaths on false pretenses is immoral.  There is no defending it.  I don't care if Saddam is captured, dead or still in power and frankly I think most Americans really do agree.

The war was not sold on liberation, we don't apply our foreign policy as such and we probably cannot realistically do so anyways.

At exactly what point did Saddam being evil start to bother us?  It seemingly wasn't in the 1960s when our government helped him stage a revolution.  Again, in the 1980s, when we provided him chemicals and funding for his war with Iran.  He didn't seem evil then.  Before he invaded Kuwait, well he didn't seem too evil then either.  Or when Rumsfeld was shaking his hand.

Saddam became evil after we needed a reason.  So let's stop the dancing around and praising ourselves.  The Iraqi people distrust us immensely, and more hate us than love us.

Someday, the Iraqi people might be free.  Maybe when they have an elected government, something positive will come out of this worthless, immoral war.  But I'd trade it all for the lives, the credibility, alliances, global security and our international credibility back.

Screw the liberation argument, and screw some abstract self-righteous notion of freedom that we shoved down their throats on the barrel of a gun.

Besides the fact that the war was a sham, I think we need to admit things went badly in the occupation.  It was plagued overall by a basic lack of security in the country.  It took us a long time to get electricity, water, food etc. restored to acceptable levels. 

Our international relations are nearly gone, our credibility is virtually non-existent and the terrorists have more propaganda than they will ever need for a nearly endless war.

The Iraqi people right now aren't better off.  They live in a country without the right to vote, secure their homes from search and seizure or even secure their own persons.  The country's security is a mess, and it, like Afghanistan, is a democracy held together only by martial law.

The handover changed puppets, but little else.  The security situation remains, our troops remain and the Iraqi people remain in what might as well be a military dictatorship.

It puts a nice positive spin on things until a real election can take place, I guess, but that is just a change of perception that may or may not last.

If you agreed with this war, you are either stupid or intellectually dishonest.


Re: Iraq

man, can anyone else read half a sentance of that and fall asleep?


Re: Iraq

Actually, I read the whole thing; and I thank Cat wholeheartedly for posting this.

Screw the liberation argument, and screw some abstract self-righteous notion of freedom that we shoved down their throats on the barrel of a gun.

This is one of the best lines I have heard in a long long time.
It really got to me...


Re: Iraq

If you agreed with this war, you are either stupid or intellectually dishonest.

Beautiful closing statement. *Loves Catbert*


Re: Iraq

Bravo bravo! Encore Encore!!

"We are a mass of seething fury, elected as your judge and jury. You stand accused of murder, vanity, and evil crimes against humanity."-Andy Martin


Re: Iraq

Alright.  Since no one else on this board seems to have the balls to step up and say something, I will.  But, I'll keep it short, as I've had this argument many times here.

If you agreed with this war, you are either stupid or intellectually dishonest.

I agree with the necessity of this war.  Why, you ask?  Because there's something you missed:  the economy.  A war-time economy is a busy economy.  Though I think it's about time we started getting out of there, the invasion of Iraq prevented us from sliding from a recession into a full-blown depression.  The bulk majority of funds spent on this war went to companies who make goods which aid the war effort.  This, in turn, went to the American economy.

Now, on to WMDs.  How do you know there are no WMDs?  Have you searched every square mile of sand in Iraq?  Have you found and searched the missing oil tankers?  If you have, you really need to tell the Army so they can stop looking.  We know Saddam's had chemical weapons since the gulf war.  He may not have had the capabilities for a tactical strike, but how long do you suppose it would have taken him to develope the means to hit us from afar?  But, then again, how do we know he'd use them?  Oh, that's right.  Because he said hundreds of times that he hates America and would see it fall before he died.

Moving on, terrorists.  Al-Queda is in Iraq right now.  Nick Berg would attest to that, if he could.  And it's simply illogical to think that they came to Iraq only after we invaded.  If terrorist were stupid enough to go to a place where the American Army had already invaded and were on mass, they'd be alot easier to catch.

Now, what good came from this war?  Ask the Iraqi people.  Everyday, thousands of Iraqis register to vote.  And everyday, a minority of people in the country try to stop them from doing so.  Yet, despite this, they still keep coming.  What does this tell you?  It tells me that they want to vote, that they want to have a say in their own government, and that they are willing to face death to do it.

Oh, and just because the Washington Post says something, doesn't make it true.  There is only one source that can really tell us anything and that's the Army.  Why?  Because they are the ones over there, knee deep in it all.  Not the reporters casting from a "safezone," not the politicians argueing in Washington, and not us argueing here.  Until they're done over there and can take the time to tell us everything (not that they will) we can't assume anything.  You said Fox News is still support the WMD assumption and they need to "come to terms with reality?"  Well, so does everyone else.  Me and you included.


Re: Iraq

But, I'll keep it short, as I've had this argument many times here.

And of course, by "short," I meant shorter than usual and riddled with spelling/grammar errors. wink


Re: Iraq

But, then again, how do we know he'd use them?  Oh, that's right.  Because he said hundreds of times that he hates America and would see it fall before he died.

Um. . woudln't that give us more of a reason to search?


"And ye shall learn the truth, and the truth will make you free." (John 8:32)



Re: Iraq

I agree with the necessity of this war.  Why, you ask?  Because there's something you missed:  the economy.  A war-time economy is a busy economy.  Though I think it's about time we started getting out of there, the invasion of Iraq prevented us from sliding from a recession into a full-blown depression.

I am not sure how anyone proposes with a moral straightface that starting a war to jumpstart an economy is morally acceptable, let alone even effective for the long-term.  People die in war, unspeakable evils happen during almost every military conflict and the war itself will eventually end. 

I will simply not address this as a plausible "just cause" for a war, and needless to say Bush didn't advertise the war based off of this notion of economic imperialism, at least directly.

Now, on to WMDs.  How do you know there are no WMDs?  Have you searched every square mile of sand in Iraq?  Have you found and searched the missing oil tankers?  If you have, you really need to tell the Army so they can stop looking.

No, I haven't.  But the military seemingly has over the last year or so and David Kay gave up and proclaimed we wouldn't find any stockpiles. 

The burden of proof his on Bush's side of the fence.  These are his claims, his war and the blood is on his hands.  You are asking me to prove a universal negative, which is frankly impossible.  You are also implying a rather dangerous logical fallacy, that being if something cannot be proven to not exist, it must exist.  This is of course silly logic.

My only implication is the obvious: We have found no weapons of mass destruction, and there is no good reason to believe we ever will after all this time and effort. 

We know Saddam's had chemical weapons since the gulf war.

Really?  Perhaps the CIA and 9/11 commission would be savvy to this information as well then?  If you know something they don't, I'm sure Ashcroft's boys at the DOJ would love to take you down to interrogation room 3187.

Applying your own 'logic' to your claim:

Have you searched every inch of Iraq?  Obviously not, and you cannot prove they definitely exist.  Therefore they don't exist.

^^^ The above is a mocking logical fallacy, inverse to your own, so do not take it as any argument put forward or supported by me please ^^^

He may not have had the capabilities for a tactical strike, but how long do you suppose it would have taken him to develope the means to hit us from afar?

Probably about 20 years, and that is assuming he was trying.  He didn't even have the capacity to go beyond 200 miles according to the Kay Report.

That is also assuming he had something to fire, a reason to fire and wanted to start a war with the UN/US kicking his ass again.

But, then again, how do we know he'd use them?  Oh, that's right.  Because he said hundreds of times that he hates America and would see it fall before he died.

I find it hard to believe he'd use these alleged WMD in a pre-emptive strike when they weren't even used to defend Iraq when we invaded, myself.  Then again that assumes they really are mysteriously hiding there somewhere.

Moving on, terrorists.  Al-Queda is in Iraq right now.  Nick Berg would attest to that, if he could.  And it's simply illogical to think that they came to Iraq only after we invaded.  If terrorist were stupid enough to go to a place where the American Army had already invaded and were on mass, they'd be alot easier to catch.

Hint: Terrorists in Iraq after the fall of the regime does not indicate terrorists in the country before the invasion.  Nor does it imply a working relationship between the former regime and these elements.

They came to Iraq after we invaded, most likely, and for a good reason.  Not to turn themselves in, not to give us candy or flowers as Chalabi proposed and certainly not to become easier to catch.  They came to kill us.

When you declare war on terrorism, it has a funny way of declaring war back on you.  I guess they didn't get that memo from Bush on May 1st 2003 when he decreed major combat operations over, and "mission accomplished".

Hint for Bush too: Landing on an aircraft carrier in someone else's flightsuit all top-gun like doesn't end a war.

Now, what good came from this war?  Ask the Iraqi people.  Everyday, thousands of Iraqis register to vote

They can't vote, they are still living under a military occupation and a hand-picked successor interim government.

To quote me, which I don't really like doing a lot:

Someday, the Iraqi people might be free. Maybe when they have an elected government, something positive will come out of this worthless, immoral war. But I'd trade it all for the lives, the credibility, alliances, global security and our international credibility back.

Screw the liberation argument, and screw some abstract self-righteous notion of freedom that we shoved down their throats on the barrel of a gun.


Re: Iraq

Omfg god, Catbert, plz ur getting lamer and lamer of every loooong post!
Takes fucking 834873 years to read it! And who the fuck cares?
Hate U.S.A's Goverment! Hate Bush! HATE!!! :evil:

All Hail Veega! The Allmight God of Faldon!


Re: Iraq

If you are unable to read at that level or comprehend above that, it is my sincerest hope you never come in contact with a voter registration form.


Re: Iraq

Omfg god, Catbert, plz ur getting lamer and lamer of every loooong post!
Takes fucking 834873 years to read it! And who the fuck cares?
Hate U.S.A's Goverment! Hate Bush! HATE!!! :evil:

Please go elsewhere.

Simply because you fail to grasp what Cat is saying, and find it "crazy" to take a minute out of your so very important day, doesn't mean others do.

Who cares, you ask? I do. Brim apparently does. And I'm sure others do as well.

And would you be so kind as to enlighten me on who lingers on every word of your posts?

Thank you.


Re: Iraq

I am not sure how anyone proposes with a moral straightface that starting a war to jumpstart an economy is morally acceptable, let alone even effective for the long-term.

It's simple.  I put America before the rest of the world, and the bulk of Americans before any minority.  What I can't understand is how anyone here, let alone one of us (you) can profess moral superiority.

My only implication is the obvious: We have found no weapons of mass destruction, and there is no good reason to believe we ever will after all this time and effort.

My implication was obvious as well:  We don't know for sure if there were, and unless we can search the entire world, we may never know for sure.

Have you searched every inch of Iraq? Obviously not, and you cannot prove they definitely exist. Therefore they don't exist.

Serine gas.  Did you forget about that?

That is also assuming he had something to fire, a reason to fire and wanted to start a war with the UN/US kicking his ass again.

I already made a reason clear: he hates us and proclaimed numerous times that he'd see us fall before he died.  If he was going to die (and let's face it, he was getting there) he'd have no reason to hold back.  After all, history would certainly remember him for devastating America, wouldn't it?

Probably about 20 years, and that is assuming he was trying. He didn't even have the capacity to go beyond 200 miles according to the Kay Report.

How about this:  How long until he found someone with the capabilities who would be willing to sell it to him?  Given the situation of the world before 9-11, I'd say about a year, if he really wanted to.

Hint: Terrorists in Iraq after the fall of the regime does not indicate terrorists in the country before the invasion. Nor does it imply a working relationship between the former regime and these elements.

As I said, if terrrorists are stupid enough to willingly face our army on mass, they'd be much easier to catch.  Terrorist don't run into a battlezone, though they do come from them.  If they came afterwards to kill us, knowing that the Army was there, they'd simply be a group of complete morons.  You seem to have a hard time understanding this.  If this is the case, I am willing to reword it for you.
Oh, and there is no way that Saddam, with the iron fist he used to rule, didn't know about terrorists in his own country.  That's just silly.

They can't vote, they are still living under a military occupation and a hand-picked successor interim government.

I never said they could vote right now.  They are going to have an election in January (I think that's what they said) and they are registering for that election.  My point, which you seemed to miss (again) was that they are showing the world, as well as the minority of their own people who are against freedom, that they want to be a free country and are willing to do face death to accomplish this.  They want to have a say in their government.  If they didn't, they wouldn't face the possibilty of being gunned down just to register.

Um. . woudln't that give us more of a reason to search?

Exactly.  Though it's extremely implausible to search all possible locations, we should still keep looking anyway.

Who cares, you ask? I do. Brim apparently does. And I'm sure others do as well.

Umm... Care is a stronger word than I'd use.  I'm really more interested in the core of the debate than the political philosophies (spelling) which drive both sides.

And would you be so kind as to enlighten me on who lingers on every word of your posts?

I do.  (sarcasm)
His words are just so passionate (sarcasm)
I can't help but be drawn to his charismatic debate (sarcasm)
It's really funny when twits try to join an intelligent argument. (not sarcasm)


Re: Iraq

cat, i do believe i said alot of that like 4 months ago on the board.....of course fireborn and i'm pretty sure you said i was completely wrong.....oh well, at least SOMEONE else knows the truth



Re: Iraq

Cat..why take the fuckin time to write a little note that fuckin big for absolutely nothing. It would take a verry good subject for me to type a letter that big....on a fuckin forum for absolutely nothing.. Or i would have to be Plasterd...as in drunk..or stoned.... big_smile  well...cya around..if that fuckins server comes up. 8)  8)  :twisted:  :evil:


Re: Iraq

Cat..why take the fuckin time to write a little note that fuckin big for absolutely nothing. It would take a verry good subject for me to type a letter that big....on a fuckin forum for absolutely nothing.. Or i would have to be Plasterd...as in drunk..or stoned.... big_smile  well...cya around..if that fuckins server comes up. 8)  8)  :twisted:  :evil:

Current Wars are not "very good subject[s]"? Strange.