Re: Question

Lol Lothar, I don't want any sympathy from anyone. You only know and believe what Catbert told everyone. As a Lvl 1 GM I couldnt test the spawns myself because I didn't have the  proper stats. It's also funny that you probably didnt see the screenshots of me asking Muff to leave after 15 min so I could personally watch my IRL friend whos computer was in the other room to test the spawn and make sure he didn't take any items that dropped.

Lothar you can argue as much as you want on the topic. It's when it gets personal is when it's not needed.

If you plan on scripting then cool. That's one person to help.


Re: Question

I have already scripted quite a bit. I do not mean to attack you, but
come on.. You know how it looked. And that was a pretty big spawn..


Re: Question

Gohma is innocent!! Gohma is innocent!!

I was a strong supporter of him during the troublesome claims!

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Question

Mumblee each building there has a purpose, but w/e. And yes there was alot of crappy changes, buggy areas.

Dont look down here, my message is up there.


Re: Question

Basically, what happened with new map was - it was almost complete, Crov and I just needed to finish all of the scripting that we had been planning, along with small tidbits of map editing.

THEN Crov and I dissapeared for a bit, and when I returned my town had been bulldozed over and nothing is the same, so the storyline is no longer there, and the map is no longer anywhere near completion.  Go figure.

If any of you guys who used to always TP onto new map and make me angry still have your map files from about a year or so ago (muff, i'm looking in your general direction), it'd be sweet if you would send it to me.

Mum! Yay! Maybe I should start playing again...

Anywho, we've been hyping about this "New Map" for 2+ years... you're all gonna be fucking dissapointed when it turns out like Map 5.


Re: Question

That's exactly the reason it was taking so long, GC, is because Crov and I were making sure it wasn't like map 5.

Anyhow, Zammbi, you cannot tell me that every building there has a purpose.


Re: Question

Well maybe one that had none, but yes all the rest did. I only made them if they did have one. A heap are for shops, a few for houses, flats, 1-2 for guild halls, 2 for npc guilds, 1 for bank, 1 for a training area, etc...

Dont look down here, my message is up there.


Re: Question

Well maybe one that had none, but yes all the rest did. I only made them if they did have one.

umm not trying to be smart but im just wondering. Your talking in past tense..they DID.....does this mean they are gone ?

I'm opening up a shop that sells 13" rulers just so Fireborn stops complaining.


Re: Question

Ok you remind me of a english teacher. And the thing I hate more then english teachers is people pointing out small grammer mistakes!  :?
What I ment was that there still there and all have a use.

Dont look down here, my message is up there.


Re: Question

Listen i dont need your shit zammbi.

I said at the start i wasnt trying to be smart i was just wondering.

Your here arguing about losing all your map work and then you talk about it like that so it sounded like it was already gone.

I could care less about your grammar but its apparent you misinterpreted my post same as I did yours.

I'm opening up a shop that sells 13" rulers just so Fireborn stops complaining.


Re: Question

Listen i dont need your shit zammbi.

I said at the start i wasnt trying to be smart i was just wondering.

Your here arguing about losing all your map work and then you talk about it like that so it sounded like it was already gone.

I could care less about your grammar but its apparent you misinterpreted my post same as I did yours.

Jesus relax. What is wrong with you? You didn't used to be like this at all.
You just trying to back Mumblee so much you get angered? Hoping he
makes you M or something? You seriously need to relax.


Re: Question

Don't be silly... Mumblee can't make you an M.. Aim higher.. like for Spec or Zer

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Question

HAh Lothar please get off your pedestal. that post had nothing to do with mumblee at all so i dunno wtf your talking about.

Im sorry if i get offended that i got confused about something and simply asked in the nicest way i could. Then get abuse for asking.

I'm opening up a shop that sells 13" rulers just so Fireborn stops complaining.


Re: Question

Well I wasnt abusing, It was only a joke. But I guess its how I writed it, it didnt sound like one, so just blame my english writing heh.

Dont look down here, my message is up there.


Re: Question

I'm not one to point out the obvious or anything but I think this Topic is done. Unless someone wants to continue talking about the new map or scripts, this is a dead topic. It has turned off subject and is full of animosity. Lothar plans to write scripts in his free time in the summer which is a good thing. I'm not sure if Mumblee can or not or if he said he will or not, but as a GM (not sure if active, I havent played in a while) he should probably give his input on it big_smile.

Zammbi wrote:

Well I wasnt abusing, It was only a joke. But I guess its how I writed it, it didnt sound like one, so just blame my english writing heh.

Well I wasn't abusing. It was only a joke. I guess it's how I wrote it. It didn't sound like one so just blame my english writing.

I'm attacking your english for everyone else.


Re: Question

Gohma for the win!

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Question

Basically, it's like this:

map 6 is further from completion than it was 9 months ago.  If it were to be released now, it would indeed just be another map5, which nobody wants.  Spring quarter has just finished for me, so I do indeed have some more free time to work on Faldon, but I think that I'll just say there are some more "interesting" projects I can be working on for the game soon, and those will probably take priority over new map, since I can't complete it unless Crov comes back and does his part anyway.  Do not expect new map to be released anytime in the near future.


Re: Question

Basically, it's like this:

map 6 is further from completion than it was 9 months ago.  If it were to be released now, it would indeed just be another map5, which nobody wants.  Spring quarter has just finished for me, so I do indeed have some more free time to work on Faldon, but I think that I'll just say there are some more "interesting" projects I can be working on for the game soon, and those will probably take priority over new map, since I can't complete it unless Crov comes back and does his part anyway.  Do not expect new map to be released anytime in the near future.

Spectre wants the new map soon. So, I would kind of say what you just
said is wrong, however we will see what Aaron does as far as that goes.
What exactly can Ronnie do that you can not? And anyway you can
say a little more about these said projects?


Re: Question

Uhm, Aaron has wanted new map "soon" for over a year now.

Anyhow, Crov would still have to finish his town/quests/etc.  Maybe you weren't listening when I said that earlier.

And no, I can't say more because then people start speculating about things that they shouldn't be.


Re: Question

Uhm, Aaron has wanted new map "soon" for over a year now.

Anyhow, Crov would still have to finish his town/quests/etc.  Maybe you weren't listening when I said that earlier.

And no, I can't say more because then people start speculating about things that they shouldn't be.

Well Aaron really seems to want it released now. As far as Crov's NPC's
someone else can easily take over... If he is gone, no point waiting for him..


Re: Question

The only problem I see now is Crov. I know he has life and school with priorities over faldon. Considering this is he even around to comment on when maybe he can help finish the map? If not he should be worked around because it seems he is the big delay here now. There are people that want to help and now it has been up to Crov to finish things for a damn long time now. I believe he needs to step up to the plate and give a game plan of what he thinks he might be able to do in the near future. If he cannot do this then I think he needs to be planned around so this map can be done.


Re: Question

I think it is fairly obvious Ronnie is a little too busy for the game right
now. I do not see ANY reason he is needed anyway. If someone else
can do the same work, let them, why wait???


Re: Question

That's the way I see it.


Re: Question

I thought Crov quit Faldon for WoW?

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Question

He still does his stat resets, but I think that is it...