Topic: Account transfer

If you have 8 account and you want to get an account transfer to YOUR OWN account what happens, do you have to choose one of yours to go to the other person, or what?


Re: Account transfer

It's only one account with 8 characters really.

Señor Grandes Cojones


Re: Account transfer


Step 1: Learn English

Step 2: Use your newly acquired Linquistic skills to purchase a large caliber firearm.

Step 3: Read Firearm Instruction Manual, Note where it says to not insert the loaded firearm and discharge it in your mouth.

Step 4: Ignore the warning about discharging the firearm into your mouth.

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Account transfer

GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:

Step 1: Learn English
Step 2: Use your newly acquired Linquistic skills to purchase a large caliber firearm.

If he lives in the US he can skip step 1 and 2. Haven't you seen Bowling for Columbine?

Señor Grandes Cojones


Re: Account transfer

That actually made me smile.


Re: Account transfer

Even retards are funny sometimes...

Señor Grandes Cojones

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