James wrote:Pennywise, see if the latest update works better for you for targeting things. It makes extremely small items have a wider selection area, for example. (Also, corpses can no longer be selected at all.)
So much better! Now, I'm only having one remaining issue with basic gameplay. Because of the nature of the grinding gameplay, I will often hold down CTRL key for auto attack and click from MOB to MOB. Currently, you have to release CTRL and repress it for each monster you kill. For whatever reason, it feels really jarring as I play. I feel like CTRL wouldn't be needed at all if monster selection felt a little more 'clicky'. I made a project once messing around and I found using some sort of mouse indicator on mouse-overs really helped. *Edit* Just realizing, mouse clicks don't continue to register from monster to monster, either when you hold left-click.
I wouldn't recommend big purple arrows for Faldon, though
Maybe thicken up health/mana bars on mobs a bit? Feels like I lose things with just the mouse. Could widen the selection area on mobs, but it might cause a mess if there's a bunch on top of each other.
Stuff on the ground feels really good, though! Ground is spawning flower, ect in client that either aren't gatherable or don't register being gathered(not sure which). Only happened twice. Both times was near a town gate that seemed to have an extended delay before opening so could be a weird lag thing.
A little clipping still happening when you walk next to certain tiles. Walking above the trees at the beginning will clip and walking southward along a wall will clip at the corners where the walls end.
When I'm changing zones, I'll sometimes get a clone of my character that stays on the spawn point of the map.
Another QoL thing, is there any way ESC presses can close the active menu window the player is on?
The chime synth in some of the music is way over the top. I wouldn't notice music much in the background if not for it.
Sorry for all this, trying to squeeze in some testing while the wife has the dog at training 
Last edited by pennywise (December 2nd, 2023 9:52 AM)
Pennywise - 7 Seconds - Fugazi - Husker Du